Osun’s Summit on Mobility and Immobility

OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives is an excellent opportunity Program which is coming to help all Secondary school finalists and refugees pursue and perform their journey to higher education.
It’s now grouping many refugee students from different countries; it’s helping them to be connected and facilitating to sharing of their experiences, knowledge and skills in diversified Life domains.
Considering its capital importance, I joined the OSUN Hubs program in June 2021. It was for me an interesting opportunity to get new skills and knowledge and share experiences with other OSUN Globe students.
Therefore, in September 2023, I was proud to receive an invitation message from Doctor Rebecca Granato, Director of OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning Initiatives, an e-mail addressing to all OSUN students for coming participate to in OSUN SUMMIT 2023 taken at Kakuma, Republic of Kenya from October 2 to 5, 2023 which grouped some OSUN students from others continents!
I was very happy and excited to meet physically my classmates and some others OSUN responsible brought by Doctor Rebecca from the USA, Europe, Asia and African countries.

This OSUN SUMMIT was an extraordinary opportunity to allow and facilitate the incredible interactions between all OSUN students and sharing experiences by presenting different interesting OSUN projects.
Some OSUN students explained more about critical projects done during their OSUN educational journey.
It was an exciting opportunity for a better discussing and understanding of the following treated or presented topics/ points:
Refugee capacity building
Rohingya culture
People move to Europe
Building communication between people
Culture and identity
The open-class project
A transitory life to communities
Modular accommodation
Politics of displacement
Exploring” voluntary exile” in higher education
Addressing the urgent Global challenge: Forced displacement and a call for international solidarity

On the end of OSUN SUMMIT, we have watched “The bridge” fictional film made at KAKUMA refugees’ camp. It was talking about community interpreting work challenges.
So, as this OSUN SUMMIT is part of OSUN’s broader commitment to raising awareness and opening access to higher education and research opportunities for all those affected by displacement, it is very imperative to:
- Delivering official Diploma and determining higher refugee education duration (years)
- Fixing a clear OSUN refugee higher education program
- Planning and organizing OSUN SUMMIT every year in different countries
- Enrolling some OSUN students in others universities
- Adding or extending to OSUN higher education program some vocational and professional Trainings/skills.

Thank you
KADO Baraka
OSUN student 2023.