D.L. Newton

DL Newton, a reproductive and gender freedom activist and very late bloomer, is a student at Bard Microcollege, pursuing her first undergraduate degree. She started to write in 2017; she began running marathons in her 60s and continues to do so. Her poems have been published by Bard Microcollege Zine, Global Commons, and Peregrine. In 2021, her play about the student loan debt crisis Upon The Rack was an O?Neill Center National Playwrights Conference semi-finalist. Sex Love + Data, a television pilot written with Gretchen Berger, was shortlisted for the Orchard Project?s Episodic Lab, also in 2021. In 2022, she was waitlisted for a Millay Arts residency for her play with poetry, The Shattering of Glass, a story involving three unwanted pregnancies in 1922.