
Global Commons is a new student-run online multimedia publication. Supported by the Open Society University Network (OSUN), this student-centric publication presents an array of writing and visual pieces on issues related to Human Rights, Global Justice, Global Public Health, Arts and Society, Sustainability and Climate, Inequalities, and Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Editorial Team

The Global Commons Editorial Team comprises students from across the globe, working together to review, edit and publish submitted works. Get to know our team below:

Team Lead

Umma Maimuna Alam

Managing Editor

Umma Maimuna Alam

Design Team


Design Editor

Abdullah Naseer

Kassim Ibrahim

Assistant Design Editor

Kasim Alhaji Ibrahim

Content Team

Renata Alvarez Leon

Content Editor

Renata Alvarez Leon


Content Editor

Miles Masters

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Content Editor

Maxine Brenya


Content Editor

Lily Sofia Susa Soto

Social Media/Outreach Team

Social Media & Outreach Manager

Labby Ahsan